Coffee Review 2023年93分
這一款衣索比亞來自Hambela Wamena產區,位於海拔1950~2250公尺的山區,使用日曬發酵處理生豆、棚架日曬乾燥,能讓咖啡帶有果乾與熱帶水果香甜,Wolisho、Kurume、74110 、74112品種蘊含的香氣也因為精緻的日曬手續,展現出水果糖、紫羅蘭花香、桃子、芒果和香蕉風味。
半磅 NT 500元
Coffee Review 2023年93分
https://www. coffeereview.com/review/ethiopia-diima-natural-process-benti-nenka-hambela-wamena/
Delicately sweet-tart, cocoa-toned. Cocoa nib, pineapple, narcissus, musk, cedar in aroma and cup. Intricately sweet structure with bright acidity; crisp, velvety mouthfeel. The quiet finish consolidates to cocoa nib, narcissus and cedar.
Produced by smallholding farmers, from trees of the Wolisho, Kurume, 74110 and 74112 varieties of Arabica and processed at the Benti Nenka Washing Station by the natural method (dried in the whole fruit). Mellow is a café and nano-roastery located in Taipei, Taiwan that serves quality foods and superb coffee in a comfortable setting. Email [email protected] or call 886-2-2257-3961 for more information.
A cleanly natural-processed Ethiopia cup driven by tropical fruit and floral tones, with cocoa nib as ballast throughout.